Dental Care

All veterans should have access to dental services.

Proper dental hygiene is essential to our physical and psychological health. WVRF’s Critical Dental Assistance Program provides immediate critical dental care to qualified wounded and disabled veterans throughout the state of Florida.

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There are roughly 1.5 million veterans living in Florida.

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85% of wounded and disabled veterans who are enrolled in the VA do not receive VA dental care.

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With proper dental care, the risk of heart attack is reduced by 35%.


About the Critical Dental Assistance Program

The Critical Dental Assistance Program funds major critical and reconstructive dental services to eligible wounded and disabled veterans throughout Florida. Our Critical Dental Assistance Program aims to address tooth pain or decay that impairs a veteran’s ability to chew, or missing teeth that may impair a veteran from securing employment.


veterans provided with
critical dental care in 2024.

$ 0

dollars spent on
critical dental care in 2024.

$ 0 +

in critical dental
care assistance since 2021.

Veteran Stories

Mike S.

US Marine Corps Veteran Mike S. shares his experience as a WVRF Critical Dental Assistance Program recipient.

Charly M.

US Army Veteran Charly M. shares his experience as a WVRF Critical Dental Assistance Program participant.

Restoring smiles to Florida’s wounded and disabled veterans.

Veteran Eligibility Requirements


Must be a U.S. Military Veteran with any discharge status other than dishonorable.


Currently living in Florida and a resident of Florida.


Enrolled in the VA Healthcare system in Florida.


Must have a combined service-connected disability rating of 30%-90%, or have an active pending SCD claim, or a is purple heart recipient.


Must not qualify for VA Dental Care.


Must be in need of critical dental care (WVRF does not assist with routine, cosmetic, or long-term dental care).

How to Apply for Dental Care

If you are a veteran who meets the above eligibility requirements, your next step is to reach out to your PACT Team Social Worker or your county-appointed Veteran Service Officer (VSO) for a referral.


Your VA Representative or county-appointed Veteran Service Officer (VSO) will send WVRF a referral email confirming your identity and eligibility, then WVRF will send you an intake application email directly.

Social Workers, VA Representatives, and VSOs

To learn more about sending a referral to WVRF, please complete the form and a WVRF Case Worker will contact you.

This is related to(Required)

Veteran Process for Dental Care

WVRF's Dental Care process is organized into 2 phases:


Phase One: Application

The veteran’s VA Representative or county-appointed VSO will send WVRF a referral email confirming the veteran’s identity and eligibility. WVRF will then send the veteran a secure link to the dental application via email.


Once the veteran is accepted into the program, the case manager will refer the veteran to a WVRF dental partner for dental care.


Phase Two: Implementation

A WVRF case manager will contact the veteran with their designated dental partner for initial appointment. The WVRF case manager reviews recommended dental treatment plans and informs the veteran whether or not they are approved.


The veteran is responsible for scheduling all dental appointments for the entire treatment plan moving forward.

Veteran Process for Dental Care

Phase One: Application



The veteran’s VA Representative (Social Worker, RN, PCP, etc.) or county-appointed VSO must send WVRF an email referral to begin the process.


Intake Application

The veteran will receive an email containing a secure link from WVRF titled “Wounded Veterans Relief Fund Critical Dental Assistance Application”. It is the veteran’s responsibility to complete the application by the deadline provided.


Case Review

WVRF will review the completed case file only when all of the required documents are uploaded in the proper format. WVRF may request additional clarification and notify the veteran of acceptance into the program.

Veteran Process for Dental Care

Phase Two: Implementation



WVRF will refer the veteran to WVRF’s nearest dental partner. The veteran will then call and schedule the initial appointment.


Treatment Plan

The WVRF Dental Partner will send the recommended treatment plan to WVRF for review. WVRF will review the proposed dental treatment plan for approval.



It is the veteran’s responsibility to schedule and attend follow-up dental appointments. The veteran will schedule appointments through the Dental Partner directly.


Check In

Check in with your WVRF case manager to provide updates and send over treatment plan updates, scheduling changes, etc.



When the veteran completes treatment, they will notify the WVRF case manager. It is the veteran’s responsibility to schedule routine maintenance and cleaning at the veteran’s expense.

Our Scope of Work

The Critical Dental Assistance Program funds major critical and reconstructive dental services like addressing tooth pain or decay that impairs a veteran’s ability to chew, or missing teeth that may impair a veteran from securing employment. Our Dental Program does not cover cosmetic, routine, or orthodontic treatments that are not functional or medically necessary.

At this time, WVRF’s Critical Dental Assistance Program will fund one treatment plan per veteran. Once the veteran completes the treatment plan, the veteran will be morally and financially responsible for maintaining their new smiles through good oral hygiene and routine maintenance, including cleanings.


If you aren’t sure whether or not the request falls under our scope of work, please reach out to us and ask!