04 Jul Veterans swim with sharks to mark Fourth of July
This is a special day for a group of veterans. They’re spending this 4th of July doing something most veterans would not get the chance to do, free-diving with sharks.
They boarded boats at Blowing Rocks Marina in Tequesta to go on the shark drive and gathered for an after-party at Tiki 52 Bar and Grill.
This event is free for the veterans, sponsored by a number of local businesses and the Wounded Veterans Relief Fund to show these men and women how much everyone appreciates what they’ve done for our country.
These American veterans have served in several countries, and some have been wounded in combat in various places around the globe. Most of them are Purple Heart recipients who’ve demonstrated tremendous courage and bravery.
Diving In
On Thursday, they’re showing another type of bravery, by getting in the water with sharks.
Morgan Jackson, a U.S. Navy veteran from South Carolina who served in Japan, went on the shark dive.
“This is a dream of a lifetime. I’ve been infatuated by sharks my whole life. This is something that is a healthy way to get adrenaline out,” Jackson said.
The 8th annual Freedom Dive brings together veterans to free dive with sharks for a couple of hours off the coast of Jupiter at no cost.
“It’s really good to see them smile and have a great time and what better day to do it than on Independence Day,” said John Rourke, one of the organizers.
Rourke, a U.S. Army veteran who served in Bosnia and Iraq and spent nearly 16 years in the military, started this event eight years ago.
“I mean it’s just taking care of vets, vets taking care of vets. That’s very important to us that the veteran community give back to other veterans that are in need,” Rourke explained.
It gives you pride
“I love the water.I love connecting with other vets. It’s an opportunity for fellowship. You’ve got multiple generations here from different conflicts.It’s just a cool deal,” said Chris Short, a U.S. Army veteran who lives in Jupiter.
Short, who served in the U.S. Army from 2002 to 2007, lost part of his leg in combat in Afghanistan and was awarded the Purple Heart.
“Fellowship in general is important.But with veterans, especially folks who’ve been in combat, it’s just we have a unique bond. We don’t have to even know each other and there’s something that we have in common,” he said.
Marine Corps veteran and Purple Heart recipient Chad Ellinger, who was wounded in Iraq in 2004, says it’s great to spend July 4th with other veterans.
“The participation of just being able to be out with fellow veterans and just take a moment to enjoy the opportunity is really what it’s about,” Ellinger said.
The group is planning to do this again next year, to show vets how proud we are of them.
“You know what?It gives you pride. It gives you pride that you’re here with people who’ve gone through things that you have gone through,” said Charly McDonald, a U.S. Army veteran who was wounded in Vietnam and was awarded the Purple Heart.
Sponsors of the Freedom Dive include Shark Addicts, Blue Line Moving, Rip Print T-Shirts, Tiki 52 Bar and Grill, and Wounded Veterans Relief Fund.
If you would like to contribute to Wounded Veterans Relief Fund, you can learn more on their web site, wvrf.org.